Regardless of Who You Vote For, Remember to Vote

Kevin Froleiks
3 min readNov 7, 2016


Tomorrow is Election Day in the United States of America, and I think we can all agree that this has been one of the craziest, scariest, most divisive elections in recent history.

There are so many stories surrounding both the Democratic and Republican nominees about possible criminal activity, unethical business practices, not to mention affiliations with hate groups and questionable deviants.

But that’s not what I want to talk to you about right now. I want to talk to you about something more important.

The very idea of voting.

It might be hard to remember, but the thing that matters most this year…is that you vote!

Honestly it doesn’t matter who you vote for, as long as you vote! I know we all worry about the foundation of democracy crumbling down, but you know what? The very foundation of democracy is voting! As long as you exercise your right to vote, the foundation of democracy will remain intact.

Whether you want to vote for former State Senator/First Lady/Secretary of State Hillary Clinton because you think that she’s the best choice we have right now, or you vote for Donald Trump because you’re a stupid fucking baby with a third grade reading level, all that matters is that you vote!

Voting is a truly beautiful right that we get in the United States. Where else do you have the freedom to choose between a woman who has dedicated three decades of her life to public service to become our next president? Where else can you openly support Donald Trump and show the world that you’re a shortsighted nitwit with a complete fucking lack of empathy? Only in America!

Where else can you use your voice to decide if our next president will be the candidate with the most impressive list of qualifications, or the candidate who once had a reality television show that you remember fondly because you’re a sack of shit that decides who to vote for the fucking presidency the same way you decide which fucking Chia Pet you’re gonna buy from the As Seen On TV section at your local Walmart!

Get out there and vote!

It doesn’t matter who you vote for. It doesn’t matter if you vote for the woman with endorsements from most liberal and conservative publications, or the man who was endorsed by the hate/terror group, The Ku Klux Klan, you fucking dumb, backwards, fear mongering douche. The freedom to choose is a beautiful thing that we shouldn’t take for granted.

You can even vote for a third party candidate if you want to! Isn’t that cool? If Trump doesn’t do it for you because you have a strong moral code that prevents you from supporting a guy that wants to ban Islam in a country that was founded on the idea of religious freedom, but you’re too much of a contrarian dick to support Hillary, you can vote for someone like Jill Stein or Gary Johnson! Two very qualified candidates if you’re the kind of moron that wants to throw a temper tantrum like a fucking toddler.

Grow the fuck up, and don’t forget to vote!



Kevin Froleiks
Kevin Froleiks

Written by Kevin Froleiks

Failed comedian. Failing musician. If Bruce Springsteen is The Boss then you can call me The Assistant Manager.

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